Thursday, April 29, 2010

Racist, Sexist Homophobes Unglued – Crude, Rude, Lewd Old White Dudes Howl and Bay At the Moon!

Controversial St. Johns County, Florida private investigator, bagman, no-bid uniform salesman, political hitman and dirty trickster MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a "MICHAEL TOBIN" with Sheriff DAVID SHOAR f/k/a "DAVID HOAR," who refuses to disavow GOLD's tactics publicly.


It’s another beautiful day in a beautiful place.
I feel sorry for John Regan. He’s a nice guy who told the St. Augustine Record that he was surprised that the City Commission hired him without a national search, or even posting the City Manager’s job.
I reckon that City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS wanted Regan to “owe him” for his hiring. Thattaway, he hoped that John Regan would never do anything to unravel HARRISS’ waste, fraud, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance – matters that rightly belong before a Federal Grand Jury.
Regan told the Record he was expecting more “process.” So did the rest of us.
I also feel sorry for the locals who feared and didn’t want a national search, starting with the anonymous arachnids (the “Anonymice”) on the local hate websites (who also posted on the St. Augustine Record’s website).
None of the “Anonymice” spoke at City Commission Monday night. Not one (1) of the tedious local hate website posters bothered to show up at the St. Augustine City Commission meeting Monday night (4/26).
Big surprise.
Not one of the small group of willful men who like to dictate their dicta to the dictator (WILLIAM B. HARRISS) was seen or obscene or heard at the City Commission meeting.
Big surprise.
Not one of the “Anonymice” anonymous posters came to express their deeply-felt beliefs about the dangers of a national search for City Manager (they don’t need one because only they know what’s best, and they don’t want any federal laws to be obeyed here in what Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. rightly called the “most lawless” city in America).
It is often stated that “decisions are made by those who show up.”
In this case, the haughty, hostile, hateful (and anonymous) defenders of institutional racism in the City of St. Augustine didn’t have to show up.
They don’t have to grow up either – these immature, pouting bullies practice serial defamation lashon hora as they get their way from the $50 million/year, 350 full-time equivalent (FTE) City of St. Augustine City government. Their Frankenstein’s monster wastes our money, pollutes our rivers and polluted our Old City Reservoir with 40,000 cubic yards of solid waste.
No matter what these knuckle-dragging Neanderthals do, they think that they’re right and we’re wrong. They’re that deluded, these uninformed rich white guys. “L’etat, c’est moi” said French King Louis XIV. That’s the same message we get from the rich white guys who have gulled, cullied and diddled St. Augustine residents for decades, polluting our environment, violating civil rights, violating the First Amendment and using St. Augustine Ordinance 1-8 to criminalize ordinance violations (like painting on St. George Street) in violation of Florida’s Constitution.
Monday night, the Property Party -- uninformed rich white guys and their toadies -- got the votes of all five City Commissioners, who quoted the opinions of five former Mayors and Richard Pinto for the proposition that the City of St. Augustine doesn’t even need to advertise a City Manager job that pays some $140,000/year. Forget the equal employment laws – our City Commissioners think that they are above the law.
So why do the heathen rage? They didn’t think anyone would bother to point out that hiring without advertising runs afoul of equal employment laws (Civil Rights Act of 1964) – laws Congress passed only by breaking a filibuster by Southern segregationists (thanks to liberal Republican votes back when Republicans were allowed to be liberal). These laws were passed only because of the courage of St. Augustine activists, who endured oppression seen on national television, which helped give President Lyndon Johnson the votes to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The smart-alecky Property Party members thought they were cute when they wrote that the City Commission gave me a big “F--- You.” These amateur human beings are so mentally unbalanced they actually think that vote was about me. That vote was about whether the City of St. Augustine would comply with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Again, the vote was 5-0 against.
Now the bulllies’ five City Commissioners have been reported to the United States Commission on Civil Rights for their discriminatory employment practices. Do the bullies seem unhappy? Wonder why? They’re losing their grip. They’re losing their grip on reality and they’re losing their grip on power.
Autocratic, dictatorial, other-directed City Manager WILIAM B. HARRISS retires in June.
So where were these Know Nothings on Monday night?
Relying upon their Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination?
Dancing and drinking in public with other known Republicans?
Who put the salsa in their shorts?
The shouters and name-callers read my column in Sunday’s St. Augustine Record (calling for a national search and a national park) and they attacked the idea of a national search. The shouters and name-callers ululated. They began posting anonymous drivel commencing at 7:14 AM on Sunday, April 25, trying to discourage civic participation by saying no one would listen, and making ad hominem attacks anonymously.
These are bullies and cowards, who now regularly accuse me of being a bully and a coward. Psychiatrists call this “projection.”
This led to our filing a complaint with the United States Commission on Civil Rights on Tuesday morning, requesting the Civil Rights Commissioners to investigate the City of St. Augustine, St. Johns County and other entities regarding institutional racism (particularly employment, environmental justice and voting rights).
Monday I invited our bigoted friends to “wear clothes,“ look into the camera and speak into the microphone, after filling out a card with their name and address.
Not one came to the City Commission meeting, filled out a card, and urged the Commissioners not to use a national search to pick a new City Manager.
Not one spoke, whether directly or through their lawyers.
Not one showed up, either with or without hoods and robes.
The “Anonymice” didn’t dare show their faces in public and identify with their right wing views.
They’d rather sit home and bay at the moon.
I feel sorry for the “Anonymice” -- deluded, crude, lewd, stewed, dudes with attitude have come unglued – they are angry that their latest civil rights violation has been exposed.
The “Anonymice” don’t dare use their real names, so they use fake names (NICs).
The “Anonymice” have no character, no honor and no personality.
The “Anonymice” are a hate group given significant encouragement, directly and indirectly, by St. Augustine and St. Johns County officials, including Sheriff DAVID SHOAR f/k/a “DAVID HOAR,” who refuses to disavow publicly the hate website of his campaign manager, MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN.”
The “Anonymice” – not unlike “Tea Party” teabaggers -- can only make up lies and cast aspersions (and asparagus) at people they’ve never met, based upon rumor, innuendo and false light invasion of privacy.
Recently, someone identifying himself as a health care provider possibly committed medical malpractice (and defamation) on the Record’s website, claiming to make a diagnosis of mental illness, retaliation of the sort that the former Soviet Union (and U.S. nuclear weapons plants) did all the time in dealing with dissenters.
So why do the “Anonymice” call me crazy?
Because I am not afraid of the Ku Klux Klan, or bad managers (even those who retaliated against whistleblowers at nuclear weapons plants and federal agencies?
Because I won Department of Labor Administrative Law Judges’ orders for punitive damages thrice (against TVA and EPA) for violating whistleblower rights?
Because I know how to expose and reform corrupt government officials? Because I worked tirelessly to stop the $1.8 million no-bid purchase of a luxury Textron Bell Jet Helicopter by the Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County (whose then-lawyer, GEOFFREY DOBSON, claimed the purchase was “sole source”)? We got a refund on the helicopter. DOBSON is still fuming.
Because we forced the City of St. Augustine to remove 40,000 cubic yards of illegally dumped solid waste and put it in a Class I landfill (which the City refused to do)?
Because we researched the City’s GLBTQ history, helping win a federal court order that the City had to fly Rainbow flags on our Bridge of Lions in honor of Gay Pride?
Because they think I’m a pest?
You tell me?
One of the too-important-to-post-under-his-real names NICs on the St. Augustine Record website and the local hate websites actually called me a “coward” and a “bully” (apparently for picking on large organizations like the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Tennessee Valley Authority and City of St. Augustine).
These guys are hysterical historical revisionist.
They think the Confederacy and segregation were good things.
By his crude reckoning, was David a bully for picking on Goliath?
Was George Washington a bully for picking on King George III? Was Lincoln was a bully for picking on the Confederacy?
Well, these Philistines would probably have supported Goliath, King George III and the Confederacy!
These same potty-mouthed, anonymous members of the “Anonymice” posting on the Record websites are also making demonstrably false statements about me, even falsely claiming I don’t post dissenting views on this blog. (I do, but I won’t post obscenities.)
Sitting in front of a computer all day the way MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” does, railing against everything progressive, they’re afraid to meet and greet and speak with people who disagree with them. They’d rather bully people electronically, trying to instill fear with electrons (instead of the bricks and guns that were the preferred weapons of bigots in 1964).
One Record poster poignantly asked another Record poster why they didn’t speak to me about their views. The hate posters refused. They’re afraid of cognitive dissonance. They can’t handle the truth.
Unlike the real cowards and bullies on local KKK-style hate websites, I give my real name and do research before I write.
Obscenities, defamation and lashon hora are the primary means in which the ”Anonymice” (the stewed, crude, lewd dudes with attitude who have come unglued) express themselves.
These are not scholars.
These are not gentlemen.
These are back-stabbing cowards afraid to sign their hate posts on their hate sites.
The accrued efforts of MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” & Co. in posting nasty, brutish and bullying comments on their KKK-style hate websites since December 2006 is nugatory. They have not helped to educate a single person. They have not saved a single life. THey have not helped to save a single tree. They have not helped to do anything uplifting for anyone.
These are narcissists, baying at the moon.
In the immortal words of Mr. T, “I pity the fools.”
Racism, sexism, misogyny and homophobia are forms of mental illness.
God forgive them for trying to discourage civic participation in Our Nation’s Oldest City.
God forgive them for yet another hiring of a City Manager without proper Sunshine notice and without complying with EEO laws.
God forgive them for their bigotry.

Controversial St. Johns County, Florida private investigator, bagman, no-bid uniform salesman, political hitman and dirty trickster MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a "MICHAEL TOBIN" with Sheriff DAVID SHOAR f/k/a "DAVID HOAR," who refuses to disavow GOLD's tactics publicly.


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